Bee Morgan

5 min

Guide to Traverse Walls

Updated: Mar 4

In many primary schools, outdoor space is at a premium. This creates a bit of a challenge when you need to cater to a diverse group of pupils. With a wide range of ages and abilities to accommodate, not to mention the physical number of children that need space to play, finding room for large outdoor equipment like climbing frames might be tricky. However, there’s another way to take your playground to new heights — literally — without the need for a lot of space.

Traverse walls can be a brilliant alternative to traditional climbing frames. They’re an inventive solution for schools seeking to enrich their playground, without sacrificing too much space. By taking advantage of vertical surfaces, traverse walls provide an engaging, physically active experience that appeals to all age groups, without eating into too much of the ground space needed for free play or other activities.

What are Traverse Walls?

Traverse walls are a type of climbing wall that extends horizontally rather than vertically. Where your classic bouldering wall is all about getting to the top, the challenge of traverse walls is all about getting from one side to the other. They’re low to the ground, meaning there’s no need for ropes or harnesses, and the risk of falls is significantly reduced. Traverse walls are particularly good for primary school settings, where both safety and space efficiency are key. They can be installed as a standalone structure, or attached to an existing wall, and are easy to tweak, adjust and update over time. Climbing has long been a metaphor for achievement, and is a surprisingly simple yet unorthodox sport to introduce to a primary school playground.

Types of Traverse Walls

Flat Panel

Flat panel walls are a cost-effective option. The installation is straightforward, and maintenance requirements are low. They can be built freestanding in a grassy area, or wall-mounted along a suitable secure wall.

If you’ve got a location in mind but want to be sure that it’s suitable, [book a site visit] and we’ll come and take a look.

In & Out

The in and out traverse wall takes the challenge up a notch with their unique design, challenging climbers to navigate across recessed (’in’) and protruding (‘out’) sections. It adds another layer of physical challenge, as well as encouraging critical thinking and strategy as climbers consider their next move. It’s an engaging way to enhance spatial awareness and agility, and offers students a dynamic and interactive playground feature to test both their minds and muscles.


Zig-zag walls invite climbers to embark on a winding journey, offering a much more complex path. We can even ramp up the difficulty by changing the angles of each panel. With the added possibility of being double-sided, you can involve more aspiring mountaineers in one go! Double the fun and double the challenge, a zig-zag wall is ideal for schools looking to maximise engagement in a limited space.

HDPE Traverse Walls

High-Density Polyethylene Traverse Walls are renowned for their durability and vibrant, engaging designs. Crafted from high-quality, weather-resistant materials, these walls provide a safe and colourful climbing experience that can withstand both the elements, and the enthusiastic energy of the students. HDPE walls are customisable, allowing for a range of difficulty levels and themes that can captivate climbers of all ages and abilities.


Available in a kaleidoscope of colors, the hand-holds transform every climb into a brain-teasing, muscle-testing adventure. Designed to endure the rigors of daily use and perfectly sized for young climbers, hand holds are the unsung heroes that ensure safety and inject fun into every upward step. Whether they're mimicking the roughness of a real rock face or shining in bright, eye-catching hues, hand holds are what make the wall approachable for climbers of every age.

Benefits of Traverse Walls in Primary Schools

1. Promotes Physical Fitness: Traverse walls are an excellent way to encourage physical activity among children, helping to build strength, flexibility, and balance. Climbing is a full-body workout that engages multiple muscle groups, offering a fun and challenging way for students to stay active during their school day.

2. Enhances Cognitive Skills: Navigating across a traverse wall requires problem-solving, planning, and decision-making skills. Children learn to assess their options, make quick decisions, and adapt their strategies on the fly, boosting their cognitive abilities in a playful and engaging environment.

3. Encourages Social Interaction: Unlike many individual sports, climbing on a traverse wall can become a communal activity. It creates opportunities for teamwork, communication, and trust building as children encourage and help each other to find the best routes. This collaborative aspect of climbing helps to build a sense of community and camaraderie among students.

4. Confidence and Perseverance: Traverse walls provide a safe environment for children to set personal goals and overcome challenges. Each successful climb builds confidence, while any initial difficulties encourage perseverance and resilience. Children learn the valuable lesson that persistence and effort can lead to achievement.

5. Offers Inclusive Play Opportunities: With their low height and no need for ropes or harnesses, traverse walls are accessible to children of all abilities. This inclusivity ensures that every child, regardless of their physical ability, can participate in and enjoy the benefits of climbing. It's a fantastic way to promote equality and ensure no child feels left out.

6. Improves Spatial Awareness: Climbing requires children to be aware of their bodies in relation to the space around them. This enhances their spatial awareness, coordination, and agility, skills that are beneficial in all areas of life, from sports to daily activities.

7. Versatile and Space-Efficient: Traverse walls make excellent use of available space, especially in schools where outdoor area is limited. They can be installed on existing walls or fences, maximising the playground's potential without requiring the extensive footprint needed for traditional play equipment.

8. Safe and Low-Risk: Designed to be close to the ground, traverse walls minimise the risk of injury. This safety feature is particularly appealing in a school setting, where the well-being of students is a top priority. It allows children to explore and push their limits without the fear of high falls.


So, bringing a traverse wall into your primary school’s playground is way more than just adding a cool new piece of kit. It's like giving kids a super-fun tool that helps them grow in all sorts of ways—physically, in their thinking, and how they get along with others. Traverse walls are all about thinking big and getting creative with how we help our kids learn and play. They're a smart pick for any playground looking to boost fun and learning in one go.

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